I have posted on BRANDING. Now I want to talk about your BIOGRAPHY.  Simply put, it is your story.  But there is a way to write your story.  You want to answer certain questions and give appropriate information about yourself.  Remember though, this isn't a novel, it should be fairly brief. A few paragraphs or so is great, certainly no more than a page.

     Here are some questions you can use to help you decide what to say in case you aren't sure:

1.  Where is your studio located?  How about any previous studios?

2.  Where were you born?  Where did you grow up?  Where do you live now?

3.  What was your childhood like?

4.  How old were you when you decided to become an artist and was there a particular moment when
      you knew you wanted to become an artist?

5.  Anyone else in your family an artist or artistically inclined?

6.  What is your educational background and/or artistic training?

7.  What is the inspiration for your art?

8.  Why/ how did you choose your particular subject matter?

9.  How did you develop your technique?

10.  Who influenced your work?  What artists?

     I hope this gives you an idea of how to write your biography.  People want to know about you, especially if they are going to take home your artwork to add to their collection.  When friends comment on your art,  the proud new owner is able to tell your story and they feel like you are part of the family!  It is important to them, believe me!

     It may take some time and several attempts to get it right, but it will finally come together and you will be proud of it.  I recommend you ask family and friends for help and suggestions. You just might be surprised and delighted by their insights and comments!  Remember, our parents know us well, and their memories go way back.

     Well, tomorrow I take my painting to the St. Augustine Art Association for the "Spring" Members Art Show.  I know, it's summer, but I'M not telling them.  Anyway, I am taking my prized possession. It comes in just ahead of my "HOME TO THE HIGHLANDS" painting as my favorite.  That's probably because I worked so hard on it.  Actually, now that I think about it,  it took less time to paint than the horses, but that is because it is only half as large. It is my first serious attempt to do people in great detail and I am very proud of it.  It is a scene from the Bible: the Israelites fighting the Amalekites.  I named it "MOSES, AARON AND HUR."

     The photo is below.  I know, I know I've shown it before.  Did I say I am proud of it?  LOL!!
Enjoy, I hope your BIOGRAPHY  goes well, and See you soon!

16 x 20
Acrylic on canvas

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