So I wanted to come up with a new series that I thought would be popular.  I decided they needed to be large and showy, but not too complicated.  Since we live in a tropical area, I came up with the idea of "Looking Up", literally!

     I took some pictures of palm trees from below and began painting them in a simplified form on canvas that is 36 x 48 ( huge!)  I love it!  I only have one done so far, but I know that they will be popular judging from comments I have received on social media.  Of course I have photos below of the first ones for you to see.

     I am not the first person to try this, but mine are different from other artists.  Mine are just a little bit more realistic, yet still fantastic and fun.  Larger than life, so to speak in a painting.  I focused in on the area at the top of the trunk where the palm fronds branch out making the structure very strong and making it easy to see the focal point.  It turned out really well, so much so, that I am strongly considering using it on the Feature Wall next month.  It will either go there or replace my "Unspoiled Beauty" painting at the Back 40 A1A.  I must decide soon for sure.

     October 1st starts the fall Members Art Show at the St. Augustine Art Association.  I have decided that one of the "Looking Up" series will be my entry.  I cannot afford to frame such a large canvas so I managed to buy two 36 x 48 Gallery wrap canvases ( 2" deep) and will use one of them for that show. They will only accept unframed canvas that is 2" deep gallery wrap.  The other art association doesn't have that rule.  Always check the rules before you try to enter a piece so you aren't caught off guard and then disappointed.

     Another idea I have considered off and on for a long time is painting cloudscapes.  Anyone who has flown has seen some fantastic scenes above the clouds!  I have often wanted to paint some of them, and one of these days, I may do just that!  I have plenty of pictures to work from.

     Well, I must get busy and use up these canvases I have laying around.  Actually, I'm working to make sure I have everything ready for my September engagement as "Featured Artist" at the Beach Art Studio here in St. Augustine.  Yes, we will take pictures and post them.  I am also advertising it on social media for anyone who wants to come and see me and all the art on the First Friday Art Walk on September 1st, from 5-8 pm.  I will be there greeting guests and answering questions during that time. So if you live in this area, come on out! Oh, and they always provide great food and drinks as well!

     Enjoy the photos and thanks for looking as always!

"Looking Up" series
36 x 48
Acrylic on gallery wrap canvas
black floater frame

"Looking Up" series
36 x 48
Acrylic on gallery wrap canvas
black floater frame

'Looking Up' series
36 x 48
acrylic on gallery wrap canvas
black floater frame

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