Sorry for the dry spell.  I've been really busy      readying my two paintings for the  "Nature and Wildlife" art show here in St. Augustine.  We are allowed to enter three.  Hey I may whip up (haha) another one just in time!  RIGHT! Each one of these took me a month, not likely! Really though,  I would like to do another version of my "Long Key" painting.  I just love the colors in the sky and the clouds!  To die for!

     This is another version of the Long Key painting I did.  It has more detail in the clouds as you can see and brighter color, but I really like it.  This just goes to show how one can get a lot of mileage out of one photo!

     I have sold another painting in the meantime.  I thought it was up on this site, but apparently not.  It is a small 5 x 7 of a pair of Ibis I shot a photo of one day while out at Target.  There is an old dock on the marsh out behind the store.  The dock is rotting and most of the decking is missing, but the birds love it.  There are always some out there sunning themselves.  It's a safe place for them.  Anyway, I will post the picture up on my gallery wall.  Thanks for looking!

     Another thing,  I now have my painting back from the Members Only art show, and I included it in my critique session with my mentor.  He suggested that I redo the horse.  It was chalky.  Go figure. Remember" I said white was very difficult to work with?  Well, now I'm eating my own words.  He also said the horse was too small for the buggy.  I immediately saw it of course, duh.  Oh well, back to the easel.  I am changing the horse from white to chestnut/bay with four white feet and a blaze.  And making him larger and much lighter boned.  He reminds me of a Hackney, for those horse lovers out there.  They are not well known anymore, but they are a very flashy high-stepping harness horse much loved by the victorian era wealthy ones.  Beautiful horses!  I digress.  He did say that my house perspective was spot on!  Yeah!!  It is  two-point perspective which is not easy to do.  Look up perspective if you are not familiar with the term. It is essentially following the lines to a vanishing point so everything is the correct size and angle.  Whenever we paint buildings it is essential for accurate paintings or maybe a better word to use would be realistic paintings.  Unless, of course, you like abstract!  He also mentioned that my front hedges were too dark, drawing the eye away from the focal point which is the horse and buggy.   Here is the reworked painting.  Like it better?

"Top Hat and Tails"
16 x 20

In a week or so, I hope to enroll in a professional art course to become certified as a Landscape Artist!  It is expensive, but well worth it, as I want to earn an income!!  Huh, who needs income?  Haha!!

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