A REMINDER to check out my new AVAILABLE PAINTINGS page: It is now set up so that you can purchase the original painting OR you can opt to purchase a print in any of several sizes at very reasonable prices!

     I know, pun!  Sorry, I couldn't help it.  I hope Madonna will forgive me!

     The show took a lot of time and effort, but it was worth it! The Art Walk in Paris, Ky was well attended and artwork sold.  What more can one ask for?  We stayed with a close friend.  I gave her a small painting of her two horses as a "Thank You" gift and she was delighted! When we lived in Ky in the 80's I kept my horse on her farm so it was nice to go back for a visit.

     The show was held in the Hopewell Museum, a beautiful old building that houses historical artifacts and artwork of Bourbon County, KY.  However, when an artist shows there, they must provide their own easels for the artwork.  Tables aplenty are available, but no wall space to hang your art, etc.  So, I took mine along.  I have 3 floor easels and 13 table easels that I use for classes, plus I borrowed more table easels from a friend who also teaches.  I figured if I was going to make all the effort to go 800 miles for a show, then I was going to make it worth my while!  "Make hay while the sun shines" and all that.

     It started at 5 pm, and I got there several hours early to set everything up.  It takes some time to arrange all the tables and then the artwork in a pleasing way.  I wanted to make sure everything looked as professional as possible! During the setup I enjoyed catching up with my old school friend. It was nice to see her again after all these years.  She stays busy as a board member of the museum for sure and I thought I was a busy person!  The staff told me that approximately 70 people came to  the museum for the show.  It was busy, that's for sure!

     One thing in particular that I enjoyed was that I had done a portrait of my young niece who lives in Kentucky.  I took it with me and had it on display at the show.  I had contacted the family and told them I had a present but they must come to the show to get it.  I did not tell them what the present was.  They all came and when the young niece saw the portrait she said, "Hey, that's me!"  as she stared at it in wonder.  Her mother took photos of her standing beside the painting and I have one posted below for you.

     Overall I was happy with my experience.  I sold several prints, but no originals.  I feel it is true that most of the money an artist makes comes from sales of prints.  Some artists never sell their originals, they keep them and sell ONLY the prints!  I don't have enough room to keep all mine. I will post a blog on what I feel is the best way to sell prints in the near future.

     I have photos below of the show and some of the paintings that sold.  Enjoy, and see you next Friday!

This is when I wish I could overhear conversations.  I'd love to know what this young man is saying!

       I could only take photos during the lull in traffic.  Sadly, my husband forgot to take photos!
You can see the table on the right with a painting and a few of my easels.  I had a total of 30 paintings on display.  Seven were on floor easels and the rest were on 10 tables.

    Ella was surprised and happy with her portrait.  Her parents were thrilled and quite emotional.  For my part, I really enjoyed doing it and seeing their reaction!

                             A few of the prints that sold are below.  Enjoy and see you next week! 

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