My husband and I recently returned from a vacation to the mountains.  Having grown up in West Virginia, I was thrilled to be going back to my "roots".  We stayed for a week in Snowshoe, WV with average temperatures in the low 70's. And being right on top of the mountain, the sunrises and sunsets were gorgeous! It was such a nice break from our Florida heat.  We also took the opportunity to drive the Blue Ridge Parkway; so beautiful, even in the rain and fog.  In fact, those elements just added to the beauty and mystery of the mountains.  We saw deer galore, and one mama had twins.

     On the trip I took a LOT of photos for reference material.  And, I decided that I want to start painting some mountains!  Of course,  I will have to find a place to sell them.  Florida is NOT the market for them.  So, along with creating artwork, I must represent my artwork by promoting it to dealers.

     I have an idea of what I want to call this series, but I am in the process of promotion and want to wait before I reveal the name.  It will take some time to set everything up and get it rolling, but hopefully not too long.  The interesting thing about most gift shops along the Blue Ridge is that being a National Park, the artists and crafters are required to live in the area, and often in specific counties to qualify for their craft guilds.  That makes it more difficult for those of us who are only "part-time" residents.  So that requires us to seek other representation.  I am in that process currently.  Of course, I need to have some paintings ready to sell, right?

     On another note,  I had been asked by my galleries to sell some of my smaller "Ocean Meditations" paintings as individuals instead of all in 'stacks' of 3 or 4. So I searched for nice frames for the 5 x 7's and since I started doing this, quite a few have sold!  Now, both galleries offer the individual paintings.  Don't get me wrong, I still offer the 'stack' paintings, but the small singles are selling like hot cakes!  It could be that the lower price of a single painting is the draw, or that they fit into a smaller space.  I'm not sure, but I'm not going to question it.  I'm just going to make sure that I have plenty available to sell!

      The newest singles are in a nice wide creamy-white frame  that sets off the turquoise blues of the ocean paintings. It is modern, yet fits into any theme.  It can be a challenge to find the right frame for a painting, as the frame can "make or break" a painting.  A good painting can be lack-luster in the wrong frame, while a so-so painting can come alive in the right frame.  It's that important.  So take some time to find the right frame if you want your paintings to sell.  Or just leave them unframed.  A gallery however, requires them to be framed if they're not gallery wrapped.  If you're in a gallery but not sure how to pick a frame, get suggestions from a good framer, or even use a framer until you learn or just keep a framer, knowing it is more expensive to do so.  You'd be better off doing that if you aren't comfortable picking your own frame.

     Below is a photo of one of the singles in their frame.  I think you will agree that the combination is very nice indeed.  Thanks for looking,  and Enjoy!!

8 x 8
fluid acrylics on stretched canvas
in float frame

5 x 7
fluid acrylics on canvas board
white frame

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