My painting is coming along. . it is not finished..being a painting that features a beautiful and exotic young lady..there is a lot of detail that has to be worked out. I have been busy with a large convention. We spent four days preparing, cleaning and attending a 7,000+ people convention at the Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena. It was wonderful! Very inspirational and so good to catch up with many old friends! But I digress..that also meant I wasn't able to work on my painting in the meantime, so please bear with me.
I have decided to go ahead and show another peek of the painting. Just to keep you coming..HaHa! Anyway here it is. PLEASE keep in mind that it is far from finished, and therefore please do not be too critical, ok? I see many things that need correction. Thanks for looking! I hope to finish it soon.
16 x 20
You can see the writing in the sand. She has written Lucy loves..and is starting to add a name. That is where I will leave it, but I will show her starting another letter. That way, the name can be left open to the imagination. I like that idea. Like I said before, this painting has a long way to go, so PLEASE don't be too critical just yet. I am thinking I will make the dress a flowered dress, but still thinking about that. Any suggestions? Feel free to comment!! Thanks, I am ALWAYS open to suggestions!!